Side Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Acupuncture, Tuina Therapy,
Moxibustion & Cupping

Modern acupuncture is sterile, and acupuncture and tuina therapy and are considered very safe, though, like any healing practice, may have side effects:

Temporary bruising, soreness, sensitivity, numbness, or tingling may occur in or around the area(s) treated by acupuncture or tuina therapy, and may last up to a few days.

In rare cases, light-headedness, dizziness, nausea, or fainting may occur.

In some cases, bleeding may occur after acupuncture needles are removed (usually limited to a few drops).

Unusual risks of acupuncture include nerve or blood vessel damage, miscarriage, organ puncture, or shock.

Infection is also a possible risk, though modern acupuncture uses only pre-sterilized, single-use needles in a clean and safe environment.

Heat or moxibustion therapy carries the potential risks of swelling, blistering, burns, or scarring.

Bruising and blistering can be a common side effect of cupping.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Herbal Therapy)

The herbs, medicines, and nutritional supplements used in Chinese Medicine are considered safe, though potential side effects may occur:

Rare interactions between recommended herbs, herbal formulas or foods may occasionally occur with prescribed medications, supplements or natural health products. Adverse or allergic reactions are also possible.

If you notice unanticipated or unpleasant side effects, inform your Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

Some herbs may be toxic in large doses, and some herbs may be inappropriate to take during pregnancy.

Taking a formula beyond its prescribed timeline (either continuously or for a subsequent contraction of what appears to be the same condition), or giving a formula to someone else who shares your condition may result in serious adverse or toxic reactions.

If you have not completed the herbs before your followup appointment with your T.C.M. practitioner, inform them (this will affect the strength and components of your next formula).

内家拳功 | Internal Martial Arts and Meditation
中医系统 | Traditional Chinese Medical System